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Substation Losses

Forensic Engineering Track


Date: 19 August, 2020
Times: 10 AM London Time with a recorded replay at 3 PM London Time


Electric substations are a pivotal part of the electrical distribution grid that transforms electrical voltage from high-to-low, or the reverse. There are a variety of different types of substations for different purposes, including transmission (to connect multiple power lines) and distribution substations (to connect the distribution system to the transmission network), among others.


Regardless of the type and function, each substation contains a number of complex, specialised pieces of equipment. Among this equipment is transformers, circuit breakers, capacitors, switchgear as well as many others. To understand the cause of losses to this type of equipment requires a detailed understanding of the engineering principals by which it functions.


This webinar aims to explain and analyse the investigative process by which losses to substations are analyses, in addition to looking at the engineering principals behind the types of equipment used.