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Expert View on Defects and Failures in PV Modules

PV modules are being deployed at an astonishing rate around the world. From roof top modules on small houses to massive utility-scale power plants, PV modules are increasingly important components of the energy supply model for any country.


Despite appearing simple to manufacture, install and operate, PV modules have been the source of complex challenges to owners, operators and insurers following failures caused by defects or other conditions. This webinar will be dedicated to discuss some of the recorded defects in PV modules and how to investigate failures caused by these defects. The webinar will also discuss failures caused by environmental conditions including the weather and other natural perils.

Mamoon Alyah, PE CEng IRMCert who served as an expert on multiple occasions in relation to PV module defects ranging from fires to the highly complex question of performance warranty, will be sharing information he compiled during years of research into different types of defects PV modules. Mr Alyah is a member of Solar Energy UK and Energy Institute and has presented webinars and seminars on PV modules on numerous occasions in the past.