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Expert Report

When establishing facts before a court, oftentimes an expert submits a written report of their findings and expert opinions. This report establishes the opinion and facts that they have been instructed to provide. 

Along with our long experience in technical matters, we have developed a clear understanding of civil rules in different jurisdictions and frequently participate in continuing professional development to ensure we are aware of legal and technical developments that could impact our expert witness services.  

The experience in legal rules of evidence allow us to prepare expert reports that are compliant with applicable rules of evidence in the jurisdiction they are used.  Whether it is the ICC Rules for the Administration of Expertise Proceedings or CPR Part 35, our reports are prepared, published and scrutinised by peer review in compliance to the applicable rules. 

CEERISK experts have long years of experience preparing and publishing expert reports addressing a multitude of complex engineering issues and presenting expert opinions in clear and concise manner. Our reports closely follow and comply with the requirement of applicable rules of evidence in the jurisdiction where they are used.   

We have provided expert reports presenting opinions related to root cause investigation into fires, explosions, contamination, breakdown, electrocution, defects and other types of losses.  Along the detailed presentation of facts, our expert reports may contain explanation of engineering principles applicable to certain situations that eventually led to the matter in question.  

Additionally, we have advised courts through written reports about complex engineering matters and disputes related to compliance with international regulations. 

Our experts have provided expert reports to courts around the world, including in multiple states in the USA, a number of courts in the MENA region, Europe, and Australia.  


For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 86141444