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Shipping & Transportation

The marine industry covers a variety of practices, including shipping, commercial fleets, shipbuilding, marine energy and aquaculture.

Technical Expert Services

Every industry is dependent on the transportation of goods from their point of origin to their final destination.  There are highly regulated medications that require specific transportation conditions to complex machinery with delicate parts that can be damaged unless due care is paid. As such, there are many opportunities for something to go wrong, resulting in a dispute.

Our Network of Experts are available to advise on matters involving shipping, including matters that arise regarding best practices for shipping and handling disputes due to damage of goods in transport. We understand that the arrival of goods in a flawless condition is dependent on the conditions of transport.

The vessels used for shipping are also a critical area for dispute. With the average cost of container ships reaching $10million in 2010, incidents involving shipping vessels can quickly become costly. Within our Network of Experts are engineers that have experience  in the construction and maintenance of these vessels, including shipbuilders and metallurgists.

Forensic Investigation

Marine properties are  exposed to hazards that are simply not observed in other industries, including anchor loss/dragging and capsizing. Even more common are incidents such as fire that particularly  destructive on ships, as fires are difficult to fight and often result in extensive cargo loss, and the casualty of people.

We have also investigated losses resulting from fire, corrosion and flooding, natural catastrophes and others.  

Forensic Engineering

CEERISK experts have conducted risk surveys and risk analyses, identifying hazards to operation in addition to reviewing and rating the control measures put in place by risk management.  

The hazards associated with this dynamic industry are vast, and  can cause damage to structural integrity and stability of vessels, failure of marine/utility systems, damage to cargo, damage to technology in transport, and collisions. We have also conducted liability assessments of freight and warehouse keepers.

Risk Management

The safety of cargo and shipping vessels, is of particular concern as it is vital to economic growth worldwide.

 Modern hazards are arising in  the shipping & transportation industry. As areas of the shipping process become automated cyber risks have intensified. Additionally risks associated with climate change are evident—both the effects of the changing climate on shipping activities and the effects that marine activities have on the environment. 

We assist our clients by providing detailed risk surveys from an engineering perspective, and by providing technical consulting aimed to minimise risk, along with detailed reports outlining causation following an accident or incident. 

Our experts take a comprehensive approach based upon the regulations and standards that are in place, as well as their own judgement based upon years of engineering experience.


For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 86141444