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Water Escape

Forensic Engineering Track


Date: 15 October 2020
Times: 10 AM London Time with a recorded replay at 3 PM London Time


Physical damage as a result of water losses can cost a company upwards of millions of dollars, as all businesses across all industries depend on sophisticated equipment to ensure business continuity. It is estimated that insurers are paying out around £2 million every day for water escape claims.


Water escape is one of the significant risks faced by most properties, as in addition to the severe damage that can arise from water escape, the exact source can be difficult to determine because water from leaks can travel in the walls of a building. Finding the root cause for these losses might be difficult considering the condition of the site, but doing so is very important.


This webinar draws on many accident investigations from around the world presenting some of the findings that heled shape the hazard management systems in many locations. The presenter will look into different investigations extracting lessons that can be learned by professionals in the insurance industry when managing a claim involving a petrochemical plant.