Instruct us

Data Centres

Risk Engineering Track


Date: 22 July 2020
Times: 10 AM London Time with a recorded replay at 3 PM London Time


Data centres are complex sites where some very sophisticated and extremely important equipment is housed to provide communication and data services to many critical functions. In the event of a failure, regardless of its source, the consequences will include costly damage to equipment and more importantly significant interruption of services that can lead to serious financial losses.


This webinar is designed to address the main issues that give concern to insurers of data centres whether during the underwriting phase or during the handling of claims. The webinar will first discuss the siting of a data centre and the risk analysis required before choosing a location. The webinar will then discuss the infrastructure necessary to build and operate a data centre and how to assess risk management systems in place, including the adequacy of redundancies and emergency response plans. The presenter will share previous experience handling various claims that involve data centres and explain investigation, mitigation and reinstatement of services to data centres.