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Insuring Renewable Energy: Technologies, Risks and Claims

Driven by population growth, ageing infrastructure, increased economic activity and serious concerns about climate change, demand for renewable energy continues to increase. As a result mega renewable energy construction projects have been tendered and launched in many parts around the world. Numerous plants have also been commissioned and has been integrated into national grids in many countries.

Despite the time that lapsed since the introduction of renewable energy, renewable energy continues to present (re)insurers and loss adjusters with new challenges despite the time that lapsed since its early adoption several year ago.

New technologies continue to be developed to increase the efficiency of renewable energy plants and to allow for deployment in more remote locations. At the same time climate change continues to exacerbate extreme weather conditions, resulting in an increasing number of severe losses.

Using a number of case studies where catastrophic losses involving renewable energy plants were investigated by our engineer, this webinar will explore new challenges faced by underwriters, claims handlers, loss adjusters and other stakeholders.